It was hard choosing one scene to recreate, but I went with the one where Sarah first enters the labyrinth and meets the little worm.
I created Mr. Worm using polymer clay, matte acrylic paint and feathers. I added high gloss varnish to his eyes for some shine.
The feathers are not just any feathers. I collected down feathers from my 24 year old African grey parrot, Monty- boy did she squawk. Just kidding, she had already molted them. I had to thoroughly brush the feathers with a toothbrush so that they would absorb the blue ink. Parrots produce a powder that they coat their feathers with that makes them water resistant.
The scene wouldn’t be complete without the lichen with eyeballs on the walls of the labyrinth
I created the brick wall using paper clay. This was my first time using it and I was pleasantly surprised by its ease of use and how smooth it is, almost like working with regular clay.
Thanks for the tip Mr. Worm, we’re off to find the Goblin King’s castle!
♫ As the world falls down ♫
David Bowie, need I say more
You’ll find several of the characters that are encountered along the way on the top of the box